Clear Float Glass - 3mm thick

Clear Float Glass - 3mm thick

Ocean Pattern Glass - 3mm thick

Duncan Ocean Pattern Glass - 3mm thick

Clear Mirror Glass - 3mm thick

Availability: In stock

Clear Mirror Glass - 3mm thick

Modern mirror can be made by silvering. Spraying onto the back of float glass, a thin layer of silver or aluminum. Process was invented in 1835. Now, most mirrors are made by heating aluminum in a vacuum, which then bonds to the cooler float glass. Two layers of waterproof paint are applied as back-side protection. The thickness is the same as art glass. Surface is flat, smooth and reflective.

  • Sheet size: 24 x 48 inches
  • Thickness: 3mm (1/8”)
  • Sold by the square foot: 12 x 12 inches
  • Opacity: Reflective
  • Cuts: Easy

 Note: Protect mirror edges from deterioration if exposed to chemicals like flux or patina